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Meet Dr. Micah Sasser

Dr. Micah Sasser profile photoI was born and raised in Eden, North Carolina. I grew up on a 100-acre “hobby” farm with my 4 siblings. I say hobby farm because it was run by my grandfather “Papa” who retired onto the property with my grandma “Nana” once he left the ministry as a southern baptist pastor. My father is an M.D. and has been practicing family medicine for the past 40 years. My mother, God love her, stayed home and homeschooled all 5 of us kids K-12.

I have many fond memories of playing outside on the farm growing up and learning how to garden and do small repairs from Papa. I was also an avid participant in YMCA sports growing up, playing every sport they offered.

My mom still likes to tell the story that instead of a pacifier as an infant I would want to have a ball in my hand to calm down.

After graduating high school I attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and received my bachelor’s in Kinesiology. I then moved to St. Louis in the fall of 2018 attended Logan University and received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in December of 2021. I tell everyone that coming to Logan was the best decision I ever made because I met my lovely wife while in school. Hannah is from Waterloo, Illinois so I have learned a lot about St. Louis from her and her family.

I was lucky enough to make the right decision in baseball fandom from a young age choosing the Cardinals as my team. After moving to St. Louis Hannah quickly converted me to be a Blues fan. We actually started dating during the Blues Stanley cup run, we watched game four together and they won so I told her we had to watch the rest together so they would win, and they did! We had a lovely wedding May 2021 and we welcomed our first child, Ava Grace, in March of 2022 we are excited for our little family to keep growing!

While attending Logan I was blessed to be the lead intern of the pediatric rotation at Logan for my final 9 months of school.

I have a passion for providing chiropractic care to all members of the family and would love to talk about the benefits chiropractic care can provide for infants and pediatric patients with anyone who would like to know!

I also enjoy working with adults, and I understand from personal experience the need for some lower force adjustments and treatments.
I like practicing with the Sacro-Occipital Technic® which is a system of analysis that includes cranial work and it can really help people in my experience and allow me to know exactly where the body would like to be adjusted. My specialties are Pregnancy, Pediatrics, Athletics, Gut health, Cranial work, visceral work, and foot complaints.

Schedule Your Appointment

Get to know Dr. Micah Sasser. Please contact Buck Chiropractic to make an appointment so we can get to know you.

Dr. Micah Sasser | (314) 962-3130